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What does a wedding DJ cost?

If you’re in the stages of planning your wedding and hiring your vendors, you’ve probably noticed that prices are all over the place.  You don’t want to go way over
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Venues! Please Read This…

In-House Sound Systems 🤮 You might’ve heard that your wedding venue has or is getting an in-house sound system. At Ross Productions, we’ve worked hundreds and hundreds of weddings and
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Why hire a DJ when I can use Spotify?

Why should we hire a DJ when we can rent a speaker and plug my iPhone into it and put on a Spotify Playlist? Hiring a DJ or a Band
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Father-Daughter Dance Song Ideas For Weddings

The Mother Son Dance is a relatively recent trend at Weddings, but because most of the attention is on the bride and her family, this is a great way for
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7 Steps For Hiring A Professional Wedding DJ

I want to keep this article positive, in line with my feelings about the profession of DJing. And that profession is a beautiful thing. It is filled with talented and
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Wedding Ceremony Music: Does it have to be so traditional????

So being a DJ for 10 years now, I’ve done my fair share of wedding ceremonies and receptions.  It’s got me thinking about ceremony music, when provided by the DJ. 
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Are you ready to have the greatest wedding or event EVER?  Click below to get a quote for your upcoming event.